The museum of St. Martino della Battaglia

Garda Lake

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What we will see

A guided tour through the monument of St. Martino della Battaglia, a symbol of the rebirth of Italy. It is possible to visit the site where on 24th June the battle of St. Martino and Solferino was fought between the Italian army led by Vittorio Emanuele II allied with the French army led by Napoleone III against the Austrian army. There were many battles which developed in an area of 20kms. This was the first big battle after that of Lipsia in 1813 where 230.000 soldiers participated. This battle inspired Henry Dunant who created the International Red Cross. This Museum was built by Count Antonio Lechi in 1939 where it is possible to see a lot of relics that tell the story of this battle. The Chapel Ossuary, where 2619 soldiers are buried, the Tower and the C.R.I Memorial are situated near this Museum